Chandigarh​ ​Angels​ ​Network​'s ​Signature​ ​Event​ ​CANNABLE 2017 Turned Out To Be A Great Success

By Abhilasha Sidana
1.9 min read

With an aim to promote quality entrepreneurial knowledge in the region, and bringing all stakeholders of the Startup ecosystem and Entrepreneurs under a single roof to help them grow and build mutual collaboration, Chandigarh Angels Network in association with UIET hosted the first version of their signature event CANNABLE 2017

The event was facilitated by Vineet Khurana, Vice President of Chandigarh Angels Network and was held at Law Auditorium, Panjab University on October 28, 2017.

cannable 2017 event in chandigarh

The event featured thought-provoking sessions and panel discussions with the successful entrepreneurs of the region. Many insights were shared with the entrepreneurial community regarding how to begin the startup journey and how to raise funding. The session was very helpful in improving the quality of the startup ecosystem and bridging the gap between the expectations of the investors from the entrepreneurs looking for funding.

cannable 2017 event in chandigarh

During this discussion, GS Chawla, Director, Master Trust shared “Startups need to know if and when to raise funding. By bringing together Investors and aspiring entrepreneurs on a common platform we want to share some insights gathered over the course of our journey about the intricacies of starting up. This will enable entrepreneurs to make better decisions.”

The event also addressed the trendy buzz about BlockChain, Cryptocurrencies and their future with an entire session by using Kunal Nandwani, CEO Utrade solutions dedicated to the topic.

cannable 2017 event in chandigarh

The First version of the CANNABLE event was a big success. Being a part of The CANNABLE 2017 helped Startups, students, angel investors, incubators, corporates, freelancers, working professionals, solution providers, and industry experts to interact and collaborate with their prospects. Below are some tweets from the people who attended the event:

cannable 2017 event in chandigarh

cannable 2017 event in chandigarh

cannable 2017 event in chandigarh

Concluding the event, Munish Jauhar, CEO, Graycell Technologies quoted “Not all successful business are investable. Neither all of them need to raise funds. Through a platform like CANNABLE, participants will get to know if and when they need to raise money. Also what is the thought process of an angel investor when deciding whether the startup is investable or not,”.

To know when is the second version of CANNABLE event happening, stay tuned!
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A girl with Atlas in her hands, Adventure in her eyes, Wanderlust in her blood. Professionally, she creates and curates socially relevant viral-worthy content. Abhilasha's life and work led her to her current role as an Entrepreneur. 
