Bullet on Wheels!!! Delhi to Amritsar Bullet Train

Yes, you heard it right!
The revolutionary train that will change the way Indians travel. This will give a sigh of relief to all the tour people who frown to travel from Delhi to Amritsar in this scorching heat. Nevertheless, Indian government ke ghar der hai andher nai… ha ha…
Traveling at a speed of 300 km/hour, an Indian Railways bullet train will take you from Delhi to Amritsar via Chandigarh in the coming years. The bullet train will also stop at Panipat, Ambala, Chandigarh, and Ludhiana.
What is a bullet train?

It is a type of rail transport that operates significantly faster than traditional rail traffic, using an integrated system of specialized rolling stock and dedicated tracks. The first such system began operations in Japan in 1964 and was widely known as the bullet train. High-speed trains normally operate on standard gauge tracks of continuously welded rail on a grade-separated right-of-way that incorporates a large turning radius in its design.
Insight into its birth

co-co electric CC 7107
Almost a decade after French National Railways surpassed the speed of 300km/h after studying it's two specially tuned electric locomotives, the CC 7107 and the prototype BB 9004, it allowed the idea of higher speed services to be developed and further engineering studies commenced.

Shikansen Bullet Train, Japan
In October 1964, just in time for the Olympic Games in Japan, the first modern high-speed rail, the Tōkaidō Shinkansen, was opened between the two cities (Tokyo-to-Osaka). The first Shinkansen trains, the 0 Series Shinkansen, built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries—in English often called "Bullet Trains", after the original Japanese name Dangan Ressha (弾丸列車)—outclassed the earlier fast trains in commercial service. They traversed the 515 km (320 mi) distance in 3 hours 10 minutes, reaching a top speed of 210 km/h (130 mph) and sustaining an average speed of 162.8 km/h (101.2 mph) with stops at Nagoya and Kyoto.
Evolution in India

After its success in Europe, North America, East Asia, it is now India’s turn to mark itself on the high-speed rail network. The Ministry of Railways submitted its "Vision 2020" proposal to the parliament discussing the various routes to be built. The High-Speed Rail Corporation of India (HSRC) has been setup in 2013 to handle all efforts related to the building of an HSR network. The contract to build the railways has been given to Japan. Construction of the first phase of the Mumbai-Ahmedabad line is expected to begin in 2017 and be completed in 2023 and the speed of train will be 320 km/h.
Delhi to Amritsar Bullet train

“The feasibility study report of high-speed rail corridor between Delhi-Chandigarh-Amritsar has been submitted to the Ministry of Railways in 2016. The report has been accepted by the Ministry of Railways and is currently under consideration,” the official said.
The distance between Delhi to Amritsar – 458 kms
Duration- 2 hours and 3 minutes
Base fare – Rs.2061 (Rs.4.5/km*458)
(Delhi-Amritsar Shatabdi fare is Rs.890) (Delhi-Amritsar flight takes over an hour at an average of just over Rs.2,000)
The distance between Delhi to Chandigarh – 258 kms
Duration – 1 hour and 12 minutes
Base fare- Rs.1161
(Delhi-Chandigarh Shatabdi fare is approximately Rs.650) (Delhi to Chandigarh flight takes an hour with fares around Rs.2,000)
This makes mind rewired, rebooted, revamped yearning for this larger than life experience!