Long Weekend? Go To These Hill Stations Near Delhi

By Abhilasha Sidana
1 min read

There is no doubt about the fact that Delhi summers epitomize heat. If you have stayed there for any length of time, you must have felt the urge to escape the heat, dust, pollution, noise, and people for at least some time. Obviously, there is no better time to do this than during a long weekend. But where will you go? Thankfully, since Delhi is very close to the Himalayas, you have plenty of options to choose from. Many popular hill stations offer respite from the heat and dust of the city. You can choose to relax in luxury hotels or resorts or you can go camping, mountaineering, or even hang-gliding if that takes your fancy. There’s something for practically everyone in these beautiful and charming towns. The nearest hill stations to Delhi for long weekends:

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A girl with Atlas in her hands, Adventure in her eyes, Wanderlust in her blood. Professionally, she creates and curates socially relevant viral-worthy content. Abhilasha's life and work led her to her current role as an Entrepreneur. 
