Candle Light Dinner In Chandigarh For A Cozy Romantic Date Night

By Abhilasha Sidana
1 min read

Nestled in the foothills of the hills with beautiful gardens and lakes, Chandigarh seems to have romance in every nook and corner. Still, the million dollar question in every romantic couple's mind is where in the city should one head to for a romantic, candlelight dinner with Bae.

Don't worry! To answer the question and to save the day, here are some of the most romantic places where you can have a candle light dinner in Chandigarh

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A girl with Atlas in her hands, Adventure in her eyes, Wanderlust in her blood. Professionally, she creates and curates socially relevant viral-worthy content. Abhilasha's life and work led her to her current role as an Entrepreneur. 
