The crazy Instagram stalker followed the woman around the world, clicking the exact pics as hers!

Lately, a story went viral that an Instagram travel blogger, Lauren Bullen had a stalker following her around the world taking the exact same pictures that she did. This crazy stalker followed Lauren around, to the same locations, wearing similar clothes and accessories and clicking the exact poses as hers. Her detail to attention is almost eerie but cheers to her dedication! She is excellent at detailing. This incident might sound funny to most of the people but is surely creepy for the couple it happened to and quite ballsy for the antagonist couple. But the question is Lauren geo-tags only cities and not exact locations, so how can the stalker book identical hotel rooms or visited the exact locations?? Moreover, Lauren gets paid for her photos and posts, so why would the stalker travel at her own expense and put so much effort just to copy someone else?? This most likely means the two couples were traveling together.
Let's check out the pictures!
The same location, clothes, and even the same hat!

Here's the partner-in-crime!

She did not spare the captions!

She did put a lot of effort in arranging the pillows same way!

Spot the difference!! Oh, the hair color!

The dedication!

Once again, the same caption!

And also the guy tries to pose the same!

But he is not great at being a copycat!

Even the same swimwear!

She is excellent at detailing!

Guess the guy refused to be the partner-in-crime!

We think if she had all that money to travel around the world, she could have been a little original.
So, what would you do, if you found someone wearing the same clothes, making poses the same way as you do and doing the exact things as you?