8 Things You Would Probably Relate To If You Have An Elder Sister

Can any bitter-sweet relationship be better than the bond that siblings share? Well, if asked me, I would simply say NO. In fact, things turn even crispier if the sibling is an elder sister, what do you think? To be honest, having an elder sister is a blessing. She can make you smile when sad, can cheer you up when dull and help you when in trouble, so, in short, she tends to be the next person, after your mother who helps you in dealing with life situations and the one who has seen both the best and worst side of you respectively.
Well, from using elder’s sis’s stuff to getting bullied by her to bearing her bossy behavior to admiring her caring nature to trivial fights to make-up for those fights, we all might have been there. Though you might not get to spend that much time as you used to get when you were kids but memories never fade away.
Say what you may, though, your bond with your elder sister will only grow with the passing time. Well to make you cherish those memories, let’s take a trip down the memory lane and learn the craziest experiences you ever had with your elder sister.
Things you would relate to if you have an elder sister:
1. You were always the experimental guinea pig

No matter how much you have resisted, you’ve always become the part of your elder sister’s experiments. Be it a new hairstyle or any new makeup hack, for everything to be tried, your elder sister sees only you. Ah, she and her experiments!
2. Fights over almost anything and everything

Fights over remote of TV, last piece of pizza or any other silly thing that result in shouting, hair pulling, punches or even crying is just so common between siblings. Yeah! Siblings are trained warriors. Warriors? Almost!
3. Teasing by calling you baby from another mother

I bet you all might have been referred to as an adopted baby by your elder sis in your childhood days. Yeah! It was just a prank, in case you still believe that. But truly, how silly of us to actually fell for it and to act as if we have been really adopted. Ha-Ha!
4. Life, career and relationship advisor

There’s no denying that your older sis is a permanent treasure of advice. Whether you need an expert dating advice or solutions for career issues or for any life problems, your elder sis is always up for your rescue and to guide you at every point.
5. All-time supporter

No matter how many times you have been teased by an elder sibling, she will always be your enduring supported in any case. Though she may say meanest of the things to you, dare anyone else could even say a single word against you. She is extremely protective of you and this is what sibling love is all about.
6. Partner-in-crime

When anything goes wrong, it is always the elder sis who gets the scolding of parents but she is also the one who can get the approval of the parents to make them agree with your choice. Elder sisters are pure bliss!
7. Elder sister is no secret-keeper

Trust me, been there. You can never rely on your sisters for holding on your secrets as they can anytime blurt it out in front of your friends or even crush. Well, this is only what makes them different from elephants.
8. Forever friend

You might have been with your school friends, college time friends or mutual buddies but no one can replace an elder sister as a life-long and trustworthy friend. The elder sisters are always the best of friends.
Do you have an elder sister? Let us know your crazy moment with her!