About The Buffet Story By Hunka Hunka Town
Hunka Hunka Town now renamed as The Buffet Story By Hunka Hunka Town, is a bar-cum-lounge in Chandigarh that is well-known for its jazzy interiors and superior ambiance. With a well-stocked bar, this lounge in Chandigarh is perfect for those who are looking to enjoy and chill with their friends. Serving scrumptious cuisines like European, North Indian, Chinese and more along with intoxicating drinks, this bar in Chandigarh Sector 26 is quite a buzzing hub among those who love to eat out. With great music, good food, and zippy drinks, it should be on everyone's list of go-to bars in Chandigarh.
Map & Directions
SCO 21, Madhya Marg, Sector 26, Chandigarh