Watch Live World Cup Screening In Chandigarh & Avail Special Discounts
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ICC World Cup is one of the biggest events on the calendar and no cricket fan would want to miss a second of the action. Right? So, all you cricket lovers, have you thought about where you are going to watch the matches yet? Here is Shoutlo's recommended list of the best bars showing the ICC Cricket World Cup 2019 in Chandigarh. From big screens to amazing food, you can also avail a flat 25% discount on Food & Soft Beverages at these finest bars showing the World Cup matches.
Watch Live World Cup Screening In Chandigarh at these places:
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A girl with Atlas in her hands, Adventure in her eyes, Wanderlust in her blood. Professionally, she creates and curates socially relevant viral-worthy content. Abhilasha's life and work led her to her current role as an Entrepreneur.
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